At Seabreeze Landscape Supplies we pride ourselves on our friendly efficient service with competitive pricing across our huge range of Products and Services. Our aim is to be the leading supplier across Perth for all landscaping and building requirements. Seabreeze Landscape Supplies offers tradesmen and DIY enthusiasts with the correct Landscaping Products and Accessories to create fabulous outdoor spaces.

Contact Us today for assistance. We look forward to helping you with all your landscaping, hardscaping and building requirements. We aim to maintain our same-day delivery service 7 days a week with our fleet of vehicles including 1 to 9 cubic meter tippers and our Hi-Ab trucks for Bulka Bags, Blocks and Bulk Cement for ease and convenience.
Seabreeze Landscape Supplies has been in the business for 25 years and has continued to expand and grow. We strive to remain a recognised landscaping, hardscaping and building material supplier to residential and commercial clients across Perth. We are one of the most trusted and recognised suppliers of locally sourced landscaping, hardscaping and building supplies.
Seabreeze Landscape Suppliers have the services and products you require to upgrade or update your building, hardscaping and landscaping projects. We know that any successful renovation or outdoor overhaul requires a great plan that includes superior materials, which we offer. We also provide a seven day delivery service across Perth and surrounding areas.
Reviews (6)
David Allan
David Allan
Dec 18, 2021
Great service, friendly people to talk to and discuss anything, very professional and great prices, very prompt with their deliveries well done guys, will recommend you to everyone 👍
Jane Issitt
Jane Issitt
Oct 12, 2021
I run a renovation company Distinct Renovation an we love dealing with Seabreeze
The service is great products and we love dealing with Seabreeze for all our jobs that involve landscaping.
Every staff member is great to deal with super happy an never seem to be having a bad day!
Anthony Wicks
Anthony Wicks
Apr 17, 2021
If ever you need anything for the garden be it soils sand, rocks, mulch etc this is the place to go, staff very helpful and obliging with your demands
Artur Schur
Artur Schur
Aug 20, 2020
Large selection of different products including soil, sand, manure, mulch, stone, etc. Open daily during the week from 0630. Daily delivery possible. Staff are friendly and helpful and happy to provide some guidance and recommendations. Prices are competitive.
Robert Parkman
Robert Parkman
Jun 19, 2020
Very helpful and great prices. Ordered this morning and delivered within a couple of hours. Would definitely use them again and recommend to anyone.
Caleb Munro
Caleb Munro
Jan 19, 2019
Great place if you need soil supplies and rock materiels reasonable priced they also will supply you a trailer for free for 2 hours been several occasions Love this place a huge variety of products for your garden !!